About Us


RESOCORP (Resolution corporation) is a general partnership that operates in the computer and technical sector founded in December 2021 by 9 computer engineers and a financial manager. Perfection, intelligence, innovation, efficiency, safety, and integrity, are the main reasons for its existence, it builds a stone with the FIA (Training, Information, Application) so that nothing is missing. RESOCORP simply the solution.

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Years Of Experience

Our mission

Our mission is to serve our clients so that our work lives up to their their expectations. We will also keep you informed about new advances in the field of science and technology science and technology through our blog posts. We are here to to teach you the art of investing in the stock market, whether it be cryptos, FOREX, stocks, not to mention not forgetting the binary options which are the main pillars of our teaching.

Our goal

As an innovative company in the field of computer science and technology, our goal is to help our objective is to help our clients to design their contents related to the field of like the creation of their web content, their application for both their mobile and desktop their mobile and their desktops, etc... We also aim to maintain their tools that are already in use. But we do not only evolve in the field of software, we have experts who are specialized in the maintenance of your devices on the physical devices on the physical level

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